Thanks so much to Ralph, Richard, Paul & David for all of the helpful advice. 
Hopefully I’ll finally be able to get it to work the way I want. If not, I’ll 
circle back around. Thanks!



Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 10:29:15 +0100
From: "David Williams" <>
To: "How to use LiveCode" <>
Subject: Re: help changing the From address when sending email

Hi Theresa,

If you are needing to send email from a script and have it appear with the  
desired From: address, etc, you will need to follow at least the steps  
about email headers detailed in Ralph's response; mail servers tend to be  
very picky about how emails are formed.

If you want to set up email accounts for use with your own domain at  
On-Rev, this is a lot simpler - Paul Hibbert explained it well in his  
response. Please feel free to drop us an email at On-Rev support if you  
need further assistance:


On Tue, 13 Oct 2015 05:24:39 +0100, Theresa Pettit <theresap72 at>  

> I'm very new to this so maybe I'm oversimplifying it in my head. Do I  
> really need to go through all of those steps? I do have a domain I  
> purchased but it's not being hosted anywhere at the moment.
> Is it possible somehow just have my domain connected to my on-rev server  
> account and then direct it to that to use as the from address or is it  
> more complicated requiring the extra steps below?
> Thanks,
> Theresa
> -----------------------------
> Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015
> 10:02:47 -0400
> From: "Ralph DiMola" <rdimola at>
> To: "'How to
> use LiveCode'" <use-livecode at>
> Subject: RE: help changing the From address when sending email
> I thought sending email was an easy thing. It turns out in this  
> spam/virus
> world we live it gets more complicated.
> First of all sending messages with a "from" other than your on-rev master
> address is technically "spoofing". This is done legitimately all the time
> with consultants running a server process on behalf of their customers.
> There are several things one can do to prevent spam filters from having
> heart failure.
> 1) Put a "mailfrom:ACCOUNTNAME at" in the email  
> header.
> This give spam filters a valid path back to the on-rev server.
> ACCOUNTNAME = master on-rev email address(login username)
> SERVERNAME = Server name (i.e. diesel, thor....)
> 2) Put a "from:SPOOFEDADDRESS at" in the email header.
> SPOOFEDADDRESS at = is the email address you want the  
> recipient
> to see. It should be a valid email.
> 3) put a "Message-Id: <UNIQUE-ID at>" in the email  
> header.
> UNIQUE-ID = I use the LC uuid
> 4) put a "Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 22:48:57 +0200" in the email header. LC
> Example: ("Date:" && the internet date)
> 5) put a "Subject: MY SUBJECT" in the email header.
> 5) If the email is html then also include a text version also. Not  
> including
> a text version will up your spam score.
> 6) A short email body will up your spam score.
> 7) Non https images or links will up your spam score.
> 8) add a spf txt record to your DNS. This is not a show stopper. See
> -prevent-spoofing-improve-e-mail-reliability for example. I am not  
> vouching
> for this site it's just an example. Do a "spf txt record examples" search
> for more information.
> There are on-line tools to test your spam score. Paste in the
> email(including headers) and see your score.
> Before I did all this my X-AntiAbuse spam score was 12 out of 10. All my
> email was flagged as spam. By doing the above steps (sans the spf  
> thingy) I
> lowered it to -0.3
> I am not an email expert and I'm sure this score could be lowered even  
> more
> with more header tweaking but this get my emails delivered and not put  
> into
> junk mail folders.
> I have done some major re-working of the example sendmail script. Let me
> know if you would like me to send you my updated version. You may have to
> change a few things to make it your own.
> Ralph DiMola
> IT Director
> Evergreen Information Services
> rdimola at
> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On  
> Behalf
> Of Theresa
> Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2015 2:03 PM
> To: use-livecode at
> Subject: help changing the From address when sending email
> I'm creating an app that needs to send an email to the user. I've gone
> through the lesson about sending email through LiveCode Server here
> scripts
> and I get the email to send but no matter what I seem to do, I can't get  
> the
> "from" address to be anything but my server account email. Is there
> something I'm missing? I've tried it using a variable and also just  
> putting
> a straight email address in but I can't get it to change.
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