On 18/10/15 09:13, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
Hi all,

Many Thanks for posting your SVG files.  :D

After reading the source of all files posted,
I have reached a decision:

Before building a General Parser to import
every type of SVG available, I will complete
some very specific scripts to import SVG
from Inkscape and Ilustrator and any other
app that you could provide me with enough
sample files to study.

Richmond, please send me the same SVG
saved from Ilustrator, but this time use
color transparency like SVGs created
using Inkscape.

Thanks in advance!


" Unfortunately, in Illustrator you cannot create a gradient that goes from a color to transparent as you can in Photoshop."

Just spent an hour digging for that!

Possibly that came in later versions of Illustrator ????

Love, Richmond.
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