After installing LC 6.7.8 RC1 and testing an app under it, I now find that 
opening the same app in LC 6.7.6 and attempting to run it on the simulator 8.2 
results in the error

“Unable to start simulation: The operation couldn’t be completed. 
(LaunchServicesError error 0.)”

The app previously ran fine. And it also seems to run ok under 6.7.8 RC1.

Anyone come across this before??  If interested some relevant messages from the 
system.log are below.

OSX 10.9.5



msgs from system log (abbreviated for readability):

0xb0093000 realpath_parent_no_symlink: Found symlink at destination path  ….

0xb0093000 make_and_check_dest_path: Failed to realpath parent of ….

0xb0093000 hardlink_copy_hierarchy: Failed to make dest path for file 

0xb0093000 -[MIInstallableBundlePatch applyPatchWithError:]: 82: Could not 
hardlink copy  …..

0xb0093000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Preflight stage failed

0xb0115000 __MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices_block_invoke240: 
Returned error Error Domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain Code=8 "Could not hardlink 
copy …… UserInfo=0x7c97b5a0 {LegacyErrorString=PackagePatchFailed, 
FunctionName=-[MIInstallableBundlePatch applyPatchWithError:] …..  

CoreSimulatorBridge[1056]: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices 
returned nil


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