It's about at this point in crawling through the weeds of a particularly nasty 
problem that I begin to look for another way.

Bob S

On Nov 11, 2015, at 13:32 , David Epstein 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks to Scott Rossi, whose example is indeed what I am trying to do, and to 
Matt Maier, who warns me that there are aspects of mouseMove I don't quite 
In trying to see why Scott's example works and mine does not, I discovered that 
my "mouseleave" handler seemed to be the problem.  If I have "on mouseleave, go 
card 1, end mouse leave" in my script, then the mouseMove message stops firing 
after it triggers one change of card, perhaps because that change of card makes 
LC think I have "left" the control my mouse was moving in.  (But why does it 
not still detect a "mousemove" on that same control on the card I have moved 
to?  It seems like mouseMove doesn't start reporting unless there has been a 
"mouseEnter" event, and with my change of card my mouse did not enter the 
control because it was already in it).
Adding my mouseLeave handler to Scott's script won't show this unless I also 
change the points of his polygon so that it is a single rectangle rather than 3 
non-adjacent rectangles.  With his polygon, the mouse really is "leaving" and 
then re-entering the polygon when it moves from one rectangle to the next; so 
that on each change of card there is a new mouseEnter event that restarts the 
mouseMove message stream.
I tried Matt’s idea of catching all mouseMoves, but still had problems.  So I 
have placed the entire “quick browse” diagram in a separate palette, where 
mouseMove is not bothered by card changes in the main stack.
David Epstein

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