On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:35:50 Mark Waddingham<m...@livecode.com>  wrote
in response to Peter Brett:

On 2015-12-14 11:21, Peter TB Brett wrote:
Hi Wilhelm,
I find this newly installed monitoring process controlling the
of older, but already fully installed versions an outright
nuisance. Is this part of the new licensing policies that restrict the
use of  LC-Indy versions to the license span you have paid for? I have
got a commercial version extending until August 2016, which - as I
understand it - enables me to use (and produce standalones) with this
commercial version even beyond August 2016.
I'm afraid that that's not correct -- when your current commercial
license expires in August 2016, you will not be able to use any
commercial version of LiveCode or use them to create standalones
unless you renew your license.
This isn't quite correct - it depends on the type of commercial license
you received for each LiveCode version you have bought in the past. All
licensing issues are best dealt with by contactingsupp...@livecode.com - so please use that channel in future rather than the mailing list.

Up until the subscription model style license was introduced, the
LiveCode Commercial License was perpetual per version. i.e. If you had a
license for a particular version when it was released you can continue
to use it forever. Since the subcription model style license was
introduced, there are no (new) perpetual licenses - your right to use a
commercial version of LiveCode which you have received under the new
style license ceases as soon as that license lapses.

Hi Peter and Mark,

There we have two different views on this problem from two members of the Livecode team, and I am inclined to judge that Mark is fully right here.

I aquired my present "perpetual" commercial license in 2012 - valid until August 2013 -, which was then prolonged until August 15, 2016, because of my contributions to the Kickstarter campaign in 2013.

Today I asked Kevin to clarify this issue, writing
Another related question needs to be clarified from your side. To my knowledge (and we had a general conversation about this on the lists some time ago)

1. a once purchased commercial version allowed to produce standalones even after the point in time the license had "expired". and

2. of course it did not allow - this was never questioned - to get updates and upgrades after the expiration date

This is common practice for other software producers as well (as examples: Photoshop, PaintshopPro, Dreamweaver etc.) even if they have meanwhile changed the rules for "new" licenses. Adobe has also switched to a "subscription" model, but the previously bought and licensed versions can of course continued to be used forever.

In the light of these legal conditions I think that the information in the Livecode FAQ

(URL: <https://livecode.com/products/livecode-platform/pricing/>_https://livecode.com/products/livecode-platform/pricing/ _

"Can I continue to build closed source apps if my Commercial license expires?"

needs to be corrected to that effect that the respective FAQ-text only applies to *newly* bought "Commercial" (or Indy and Business) licenses.

I hope very much I get an answer from Kevin that confirms Mark's view.

Another question I asked Kevin were the terms of use for my new Indy-license, which starts on August 16, 2016, and is valid until August 15, 2018. I wrote:

I am used to have Livecode available for development both at home and office, and additionally on a laptop when traveling, and such a work environment is essential for me.

The least I expect from the side of Livecode is that my present commercial license until August 15, 2016, and its conditions are respected. I would be forced to think about how to proceed in case the Indy-license only allows Livecode to be installed on only one computer. My decision in such a situation would not exclude the possibility to revoke my added Indy license (I think you would be so nice to "refund" me) and look for other development tools for my further work and intentions.

I surely cannot afford the present Business license, but could live with a new Indy-license starting August 2016, provided the Indy license allows me to install Livecode - and different versions of it - more than one time on one or more computers. If this condition cannot be met (along with the possibility to perpetually use a kind of commercial available until August 15, 2016) I feel forced to end my long-time relationship of about 20 years with Hypercard, Metacard, Revolution, and Livecode, which indeed was a valuable part of my professional work and private interests.

I think the focus of any new marketing strategy should first be to produce and deliver a stable product and only then think about increasing profits, but thereby avoiding to impose severe restrictions on longtime and loyal supporters.

Best regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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