Thanks to all those who replied - ‘the internet date’ was the answer I needed, 
since I then didn’t have to get out of my LiveCode comfort zone to do the 
calculation. I’m thinking of time-stamping some interactions that are going to 
go through a program I’m running on LiveCode Server. Right now I have it 
running on DreamHost, whose servers presumably stay in one place, but I wanted 
an invariant time stamp not depending on the location of the server or of any 
particular user, so I saw UTC as the way to go.

My issue was that I didn’t know of a command that I could run on the server, or 
a url to a public time server, that would just give me UTC in its simplest form 
without leaving LiveCode - probably very lazy of me, but I want to keep things 
as simple as I can. I have now written a little homegrown routine that uses 
‘the internet date’ which seems to work fine.

Thanks again


> On 20 Feb 2016, at 19:09, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami <> wrote:
> On February 20, 2016 at 6:50:55 AM, Earthednet-wp 
> (<>) wrote:
> This will of course put the time as perceived by the server where in the 
> world my copy of LCS happens to be hosted. Given that this is arbitrary from 
> the point of view of a user of the server, it would be easier for me if I 
> could show the time as UTC, or what us Brits used to call Greenwich Mean Time.
> I may be missing thing, but unless your server is a nomad, it is always 
> exactly X numbers away from UTC...  sothen what is the issue?
> Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious and don't grasp your problem:
> UTC is UTC wherever you are.  If I query for UTC in Hawaii, or California or 
> London, we get the same value...So all you need is a small API script on the 
> server to return UTC to you... and typically you have control over the time 
> setting on your "box"  so if you want the server to return have to 
> be sure (unix/linux) tzdata(cmd line app) is installed.. run that and you 
> will be prompted to set your time zone. set "GST-0"  and you are good to go.
> This assumes of course that's what you may not be... I prefer, e.g. 
> that the server return the time of the place where it lives (otherwise I get 
> crazy confused)... this is, as you say, arbitrary, since we have users all 
> over the planet in all time zones... but though I am in Hawaii, I like the 
> server in California to be on California time... as this is how we think out 
> here in the middle of the Pacific...CA is three hours ahead, Texas is 4, 
> Chicago 5, NY 6  etc.. (depends on DLS)  if I want my LCS on the server to 
> return UTC, then I just add the offset to PST  (+8) since he lives in 
> Californai and is not moving around.
> if you do not have control of the server box/instance then you only have the 
> option to add the offset to GMT to the server time... a simple "add" in your 
> script...  Through the years, in my experience, default installations of web 
> server OS's often have some odd time default, and you only discover this one 
> day when you see weird time stamps.. so you have to go in and correct it. 
> This is getting better with cloud computing, but in the old days the 
> "instance" on a box was initiated by loading an image from a CD, and the 
> service selling you the web services didn't even bother to check that the 
> image had some wrong TZ for the location where it was being installed.
> BR
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