Richmond wrote:

Hence my recent suggestion that they could be moved to the bottom
of the revTools palette rather than the top.

The core team says Widgets should be at the top. You say they should be at the bottom. I wonder:

Why are controls grouped by implementation method?

Why should that matter to the user?

If Widgets are controls like any other, why not intermix them with the rest?

They could be positioned in the palette using whatever criteria had been used all these years.

If there's something behaviorally incompatible about Widgets that would make it undesirable to treat them as first-class objects, that would seem a bug worth addressing.

And if not, just let them be the first-class objects they are by integrating them in the palette along with other first-class objects, grouped by functionality instead of implementation method.

I do feel that, sometimes, the LiveCode people in their,
understandable, enthusiasm to promote the results of their
hard work, fail to take into account that while Richard,
Jacqueline, Klaus and Thee may run at the front of the pack,
there are a large number of us bringing up the rear.

Have you considered the possibility that when Jacque, Klaus, or I write it may simply be our own honest personal opinions, every bit as valid as your own?

Diversity is a sign of a healthy community, but that isn't limited to complaints. Part of diversity means accepting people who are patient and enjoying themselves.

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems
Software Design and Development for Desktop, Mobile, and Web

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