On 2.05.2016 13:31, Lyn Teyla wrote:
Stephen Barncard wrote:

obviously one hasn't been to a LC event lately.  More white hair and
ponytails on old folks than an AES convention. The cool geeks club.
I’ve got nothing against younger or older people at all, but:

Whenever I come across photos of LiveCode events, and see white hair and 
baldness everywhere, it often makes me question my own sanity regarding my 
choice of programming language.

And then, I start questioning the sanity of younger people, who appear to 
_want_ to code using a non-English-like language, and multiple different 
languages at that, if deploying to different platforms.

Apparently, younger people, for some reason, don’t seem to want an English-like 
language (some even going as far as to avoid such languages as much as 
possible), or be able to use that same language to create desktop, mobile, 
server and web apps.

Should we be learning all sorts of non-English-like programming languages, just 
because everyone else is doing it, even though they’re less intuitive to use?

Does LiveCode Ltd have a sustainable business model given the apparent reality? 
Surely it can’t be reasoned away that young programmers don’t like going to 

Am I mad? Has the world gone mad? Has common sense been thrown out the window?

Yes to all of those vaguely rhetorical questions.

But as a bunch of mad people in a mad world there is no obvious reason why we should not persist in our
own type of insanity rather than adhere to another type of insanity.

I have a number of teenagers who are being taught C++ and C sharp up the road in the Mathematical High School (that means the school concentrates on Mathematics, not that the school, Ding-an-Sich, is in some way Mathematical, like, for example, a Clockwork High School) who can see loud and clear that Livecode can achieve the same thing in about 10-20% of the time (don't think I haven't demonstrated this to them), but still keep saying "But real programmers . . . ." and at that point I wonder why Gabriel Oak was pissed off when all his sheep jumped off the cliffs to their deaths [check out "Far From the Madding Crowd" by Thos. Hardy" gerta book,
even greater Movie].

I am 54, and as such I have no great urge to conform to what the 15-35 year old crowd are doing (and if I tried I'd just end up looking a fool anyway), nor to the 60-85 year old crowd (I'll become a slobbering old, senile whatsit in
my own good time anyway).

rant upon rant

Love you!




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