> On May 3, 2016, at 11:51 AM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami <bra...@hindu.org> 
> wrote:
> I’m looking forward to a small coloring/drawing module for our big app.  
> Little hacking today:
> Today I tried clicking on the pen tool and drawing.. It auto created an 
> object that takes up the entire card and not just where I drew. So I created 
> an image object first, then tried the tools. Pen tool works.
> Then I switched to the brush tool and started to brush.. .nothing happened, 
> but when I used the bucket tool the image filled with color.   Then I 
> switched to the eraser nothing happened. Switch back to pen tool, oops the 
> tools palette is stuck on the brush…I have to click the pointer tool once, 
> browse tool and back again.. .now I can click the pen again,, brush, eraser 
> and spray do not work.
> OK, it has been literally years since I touched these tools  am I doing 
> something wrong ?or are these seriously messed up in the IDE on Mac?
> Can you test/confirm/deny on your machine?
> If so I will report as a bug.


I have the same question as Richard—are you talking about drawing (graphics) 
tools or painting (image) tools? I think you’re referring to paint tools. In 
that case I can confirm—the brush, spray can, and eraser tools seem to have no 
effect. Definitely worth a bug report.


Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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