I like this page: https://livecode.com/products/livecode-platform/livecode-in-education/

Yes I do, really.

But there is one small thing that annoys me, and sorting that out would be a very good thing indeed.

When we scroll down to Course materials the first thing we hit is this:

"Course Materials – Age 14 to 16"

Now, I teach, every summer, classes to children from age 9 upwards.

So, whether Scottish National level 4 is the first time they start teaching children programming in Scotland or not, let's not confine ourselves to that, and make it extremely clear that a child who can read and write and has a very
basic grasp of Maths can get started with Livecode.

This summer I will have one girl who has just had her 8th birthday; she's not noticeably any more intelligent than any of the other 8 year olds I teach English to, but she wants to try Livecode: now I would be a real killjoy if I refused to take her - she may not achieve as much as a child who is 11, but she will achieve something,
and that may just be enough to start a fire that may continue all her life.

And I believe Livecode is one of the best "boxes of matches" around at the moment.


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