
maybe this is of interest for the one or the other.

Yesterday i ran  into a strange problem. 
After upgrading Intego Virus Barrier from version 10.8.8. (490) to version 
10.8.8 (501) starting LiveCode, regardles which version (6,7 or 8), took about 
3 minutes. Yes 3 minutes.
I had such a behavior earlier this year when upgrading Virus Barrier from 
10.8.6 to 10.8.7. That time the loading time of LiveCode was about 1 to 2 
minutes.  Intego Support provided me  several  beta versions of  10.8.8 that 
time. With each new version the loading time went better. But with the new 
build 501 i got loading times of about 3 minutes. Yesterday i sent in a new 
diagnostic report file to Intego.

Here´s an excerpt of their answer from today:
"We notice in VirusBarrier logs at least 2 versions of LiveCode 6.7.11 and 8.1. 
Both seems to open in 3 minutes.
Along with the files from /Applications/LiveCode X.X.X, we found a huge amount 
of scans from VirusBarrier Real-Time Scanner on this single file during the 
opening of LiveCode applications:
If putting the application into Trusted items doesn't reduce the time of 
opening, it is the sign the application relies on dependencies.
It seems LiveCodeToolsLog.txt is the principal dependency, but we spotted 
~/Dropbox/My Livecode 7 and up/Plugins/
But the first appears to be log once, while the last two are more often 
scanned. After all they are preferences files; So it is quite normal.
Here the file ~/Library/Logs/RunRev/LiveCodeToolsLog.txt was about 2,8mb in 
size. After i renamed it. LiveCode starts again within seconds.
The file was created again by LiveCode and gets bigger  each time (about 16kb) 
i open any version of Livecode.
We suggest you to add to Trusted Items:

I´ve added now both, the log file and the Runrev preferences folder, to the 
Trusted Items in Virus Barrier. Livecode now starts within seconds. It´s even 
faster than before this problem first appeared.

So if anyone is experiencing such problems on Mac, it might be a good idea to 

to the Trusted Items  of the Antivirus Software (or whatever it is called in 
your Antivirus Software.)



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