
OS X 10.11.5, LC 8.0, IDE. Same program runs fine on Windows 10

I have a pretty nasty issue, where I am right now a bit clueless, in which
direction I have to search. I have set the dontuseQT of  player "myPlayer"
to false because I am using old QT videos, which can't be played with AVF.

In a *videoPlay* handler I *set* the filename of player "myPlayer" to
tVideoFile, which works fine in all situations and the video is played
afterwords fine.

Now I have a pretty deep structure of handlers, as a kind of a loop with the
modal userdialog and playing a video. The handler with the sheet/modal stack
waits for some user interactions, calls the *videoPlay* handler and calls
again the first handler, so that it starts from beginning. In the
*videoPlay* handler randomly this error occurs, when setting the filename of
the player object.


A simplified structure looks like this:


*modal* stack myDialog



command 2:

                *set* the filename of player -> error


                *modal*stack myDialog



I have already tried to set a *wait" with messages before the *set* the
filename, but it still crashes randomly.

As far as I can see, there are two main differences between the handler,
where the issue occurs and where not. 1. The deeper structure of handlers
and 2. The modal stack in between this handler "loop".


My feeling is that the engine choks somewhere in the "loop", but with
different handler calls with/without *send* / *dispatch* I would probably
mess up the "loop" structure.


Any idea, where to start?







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