If you don't want to write a regex loop, you can also use regex with filter.
I haven't done speed comparisons though.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Quentin Long <cub...@aol.com> wrote:

> sez Gregory Lypny:
> > Thank you for the tips on string pattern matching. I?m
> > used to Mathematica?s string pattern syntax, which is
> > probably built on regex, but I can see the similarities in
> > your nice examples, particularly the using of
> > alternatives [Joe|Anges]. While Mathematica?s string
> > functions are insanely extensive and their implementation
> > far more powerful that those in LiveCode, they can
> > become arbitrarily slow if used repeatedly in loops, and
> > unfortunately, my procedure requires repeating the
> > functions over tens of thousands of files. That is why I
> > want to build an alternative procedure in LiveCode.
> Hold it. You're saying you don't want to use regex in *LiveCode* because a
> more-complex feature is too slow in *Mathematica*? I'm not sure how to
> connect those dots, myself. Why not give regex in LiveCode a shot anyway?
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