Monte Goulding wrote:

> Hi Richard
> A search in the bug DB for Windows issues doesn't really come up with
> much more than you would see on other platforms. I did find one
> report to recommend be elevated
> Everyone has different priorities but it would be good to identify
> reports that are likely to be impacting large numbers of users on
> Windows as perhaps the team has misidentified their importance.

True, a lot o people find all sorts of time to write about issues on this list and in the forums, but not quite enough time to just file a bug report so it can be addressed.

In some cases the Windows angle may be a red herring. For example, there are a good many IDE issues that aren't specific to Windows, even if the sheer number of Windows users among newcomers may initially make it seem like it has something to do with the engine for that platform.

I just did a quick search and found 202 open issues reported for Windows:


I haven't personally triaged those so I have no idea how many of those are critical, or even reproducible in v8.1.

It may be worth noting that the most recent of those has an ID number below 10,090, suggesting none of are very recent. They may still be evident in recent versions, perhaps even important, but AFAIK none are regressions introduced since v8.

Also, some of the things marked as enhancements are not small issues even if they involve things LC has never gotten right.

For example, Mac users rarely appreciate how fluidly many Windows users are accustomed to moving around in GUIs by keyboard alone. A good Windows or Linux GUI lets you choose whether you're using mouse or keyboard. But in LC things like the option control can't be used by the keyboard:

Tabbing leave option control's menu up

Typing selection not honored for option controls

menuhistory not updated when changing option controls via keyboard

Those are things reported to me by my customers, back in 2007.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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