If you don't want to enter mouseup handlers all over the UI, the usual means is 
to trap for the target in the card script or stack script.

is there a way to get the immediate "parent" group of a group object?
In case like this I have a number of "portal-link-label" as the subgroups are 
all made from a template.

but the group name itself is unique

group "home-read"

so the long name of the target is:

field "portal-link-label" of group "home_read" of group "portal-links" of card 
"home" of stack 

So  then you have to so some parsing magic  to determine which is the send 
level group.. from this long string. Is there an easier way?

It would be sweet if we could do something like

get the parent group of the target

where "parent" was the name of the group the object was in.

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