Or target those people who have jail-broken their iPads . . .


On 21.07.2016 00:54, Peter TB Brett wrote:

On 20/07/2016 20:53, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
Kay C Lan wrote:

" Fortunately one of the parents is extremely supportive and is happy
to pony up for an LC Indy License. Is it kosher that this app, built
by multiple people using Community, is now licensed by a single Indy
holder? Can further game refinement be done by the gang using

I have this same question..

@ Peter


doesn't really answer the above.

Well, I hope the following is sufficiently unambiguous.

i) a product that is pushed to the Apple app store under Indy via 1
user on the team

This is exactly what LiveCode Indy is intended for.

ii) that includes code created by the team, many of whom are fall in
the categories of

volunteers |non-profit staffers | students et all such other
"community" users

put another way… to say the obvious… the use case is "all GPL top to
bottom," with only Apple's rules forcing a closed source build for a
single distribution channel context.

- If the app is open source, this definitely violates either the Apple store agreement or the LiveCode Community copyright license (GPLv3).

- If the app is closed-source, this definitely violates the LiveCode Indy end user license agreement and probably also the LiveCode Community copyright license.

If you are doing this, stop doing so immediately and get a Business license seat for each person involved in developing your app.

Apple's walled garden is not a fertile pasture for growing Free Software. If you want to make Free Software apps for mobile devices, target Android.


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