On 8/4/2016 11:05 AM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
it still failed and locked up.. that's where I added "put the result"
at the end of the loop and there it was again:

"error Previous request not completed"

We've had the same issue, the problem occurs usually on slower connections. Chipp Walters gave me the workaround we're using now which isn't perfect but seems to resolve many instances.

function needToRetry pError -- Chipp Walters
if pError is "timeout" or pError contains "socket timeout" or pError contains "error socket closed" \
        or pError contains "Previous request not completed" then
    return true
    return false
  end if
end needToRetry

In the script that gets or sends to the server (in our case, get) you call the function and don't let the script proceed until it returns false:

 repeat 3 times -- Chipp's method for unreliable connections
        get url tURL
        put the result into tNetworkErr
        put it into tData
        if not needToRetry(tNetworkErr) then exit repeat
        wait 100 milliseconds -- don't use w/msgs, let it block
end repeat

Chipp originally repeated 5 times but 3 seems to work most of the time and prevents an even longer delay. This will hang the script for a while if the connection doesn't succeed right away. I set the socketTimeOut to a lower number so that each attempt wouldn't wait the default 10 seconds.

For most of our users, the repeat never has to iterate but for those with problematic connections it seems to help a little.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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