John Allijn wrote:

> I can’t get the scroller working but have a workaround for anyone
> else who may have this problem.
> Not so fancy, but it works…
> use a normal text field and lock the text
> then set the script of the field to this:
> local sStartV
> local tDistance
> local tStartScroll
> on mouseDown
>   put the mouseV into sStartV
>   put the scroll of me into tStartScroll
> end mouseDown
> on mouseStillDown
>   put the mouseV - sStartV into tDistance
>   set the scroll of me to tStartScroll - tDistance
> end mouseStillDown

I know you've mentioned before that the native scroller isn't working, but can you tell us a bit more about how it's not working?

We have so many people deploying to iOS that if it's broken it needs to be fixed, and if it's not broken we should be able to come up with a way for you to deliver a smooth, native-scrolling behavior for your users, with bounce-back and all the other nuances iOS users expect.

On Android the native scroller works very well, giving us the standard behavior users expect.

Let's see if we can ensure that LC apps for iOS work as well.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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