On 2/6/17 9:28 PM, Monte Goulding via use-livecode wrote:
Hi Folks

I’m in the midst of making the message box redirect work in all
engines (https://github.com/livecode/livecode/pull/5156
<https://github.com/livecode/livecode/pull/5156>) and it would seem
that there’s a legacy message box behavior that could be removed from
the engine. It’s not used by the IDE. The behavior is if no message
box redirect is set then it looks for a stack named “Message Box”,
sets the text of the first field then raises the stack. As this is
only an IDE thing I strongly suspect we are ok to remove the code but
while I’m waiting for the team to wake up in Scotland I thought I’d
check here!

It would be easy to work around even if you have been depending on it
because it’s just setting the property and then handling msgChanged
to put msg where ever you want.

Do whatever it takes, I've been waiting for this for years. I could really use it right now. Debugging standalones is an exercise in frustration.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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