Immediately after sending the below, I decide to put that project on hold and try another one on Android - and found that a segmented control widget was missing.

I switched to manually-selected inclusions, and was then able to see the segmented control widget on Android; and then went back to the previous project, manually selected SVG icons, and found thqt worked too.

So, forget the question about SVG working on Android; but is there a known issue with the inclusion search not working for Android builds?



On 21/02/2017 17:13, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
per the subject really - I added some snazzy SVG icons into my app, for no
better reason than that I could - but when I built to Android, one of them
didn't appear at all, and when the other is supposed to briefly fade in and
out again, instead a square of approximately the same size does so.

Is this a known issue? (I couldn't find any reference to it, in user guide, or
QCC. Then again, the only reference to SVG in the - 8.1.3 - user guide is to
say that there is a third-party library to import and export.)



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