I assume flushEvents() isn't available for mobile? At least the 8.1.3 dictionary shows it is for desktop only.

So would something like this work?

local sTaskStatus, sTaskRequests

on mouseUp
    send "doTask" to me in 0 seconds
    put the result & CR after sTaskRequests
end mouseUp

command doTask
     if sTaskStatus is empty
     then put "busy" into sTaskStatus
     else exit doTask

     -- do your task here

     repeat for each line tRequestID in sTaskRequests
         cancel tRequestID
     end repeat
     put empty into sTaskStatus
     put empty into sTaskRequests
end doTask

Phil Davis

On 5/16/17 11:55 AM, Alejandro Tejada via use-livecode wrote:
Hi All,

Recently, while testing a stack in an Android Phone,
I found with surprise that mouseup and mousedown
messages were triggered very fast (2 or 3 times in

After checking the phone screen, I noticed a small
(almost unnoticeable) crack in the corner.

How could we change our mouseup and mousedown
scripts for Android Apps to make a workaround
for these kind of malfunctions?

Thanks in advance!

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Phil Davis

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