In case it helps, here's the entire routine.  This works on a Mac.

on copyFilesNFolders fromFolder toFolder
  if there is not a folder toFolder then
    create folder toFolder
    if the result is not empty then
      put the result into theResult
      errlog theResult
    end if #the result is not empty
  end if #there is not a folder toFolder

  put folders(fromFolder) into folderList
  #<walk the folders recursively>
    repeat for each line folderName in folderList
      if char 1 of folderName is "." then next repeat
      copyFilesNFolders (fromFolder&slash&folderName),
    end repeat #for each line folderName in folderList
  #</walk the folders recursively>

  #<now we're a the bottom for this folder.  Copy the folder and then the
files in the folder>
    put the defaultFolder into theDefaultFolder
    set the defaultFolder to fromFolder
    put the files into theFiles
    repeat for each line theFile in theFiles
      if char 1 of theFile is "." then next repeat #skip all the invisible
files like .DS_STORE
      put fromFolder&slash&theFile into fromFile
      put toFolder&slash&theFile into toFile
      if there is not a file toFile then
        put url ("binfile://" &fromFile) into url ("binfile://" &toFile)
        if the result is not empty then
          put the result into theResult
          errlog theResult
        end if #the result is not empty
      end if #there is not a file toFile
    end repeat #for each line theFile in theFiles
    set the defaultFolder to theDefaultFolder
  #</now we're a the bottom for this folder.  Copy the folder and then the
files in the folder>
end copyFilesNFolders

On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 5:34 PM, Mike Kerner <>

> I'm trying to use the put url technique to copy files on windows, but I'm
> getting "can't open file"
> If I do something like
> answer line 1 of url ("binfile://"&filename)
> I get what I expect, but when I try to
> put url ("binfile://"&filename) into url ("binfile://"&toFilename)
> I get "can't open file" in the result
> --
> On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
> On the second day, God created the oceans.
> On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
>    and did a little diving.
> And God said, "This is good."

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
   and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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