Terry Judd wrote:
> I’ve just had a quick play with the enhanced script editor and these
> all seem like good suggestions to me, and in the script editor pane of
> the preferences window I’d allow the user to (i) hide/show the list of
> available common handlers and (ii) hide/show included comments on
> their functionality.

If the toggle is either in-window or in the SE's View menu that would be great.

I would caution against adding more stuff to the Prefs window, for reasons too lengthy to indulge in here.

I also like the suggestion to color the suggested handler names slightly gray to further distinguish them from those that actually exist.

Ideally the gray would be slightly darker than the one used to indicate disabled state, just gray enough to distinguish them.

And as long as we're improving the SE UX, can we please allow the background color preference setting to affect both panes in the SE, the editing field (as it does now) and also the handler list (not yet)?

Bug 11204 - Script Editor Enhancement: use same color for both editing field and handler list

Background and foreground colors are VERY important for long typing sessions, but the value of supporting them here is compromised by requiring that the handler list always remain stark white.

When we adjust colors we usually do so to reduce contrast to mitigate eye strain, but with the handler list color non-settable it quickly becomes the most visually-dominant element in the window, even though it has a very secondary role compared to the main editing field.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
 ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com

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