On 2017-07-18 19:25, Dan Friedman via use-livecode wrote:

Thanks for the very helpful info and the quick reply!  In my case, I
am displaying a very simple webpage as a type of preview.  So, the
latest html compatibility isn’t an issue.  For this project, I’ll
manually remove the libcef.dll and move forward.

You're welcome.

We've periodically discussed internally using Edge on Windows for the browser widget (as an option) for the cases where you just need a browser for specific things (e.g. OAuth).

However, as it stands, CEF is giving us enough trouble just now so sorting that out sits waaaay further up in priorities.

Warmest Regards,


P.S. We've also discussed 'bringing back' CEF on Mac - as then you have an option for 100% cross-desktop platform consistent option for an embedded browser. However that is contingent on whether they've sorted out a rather critical issue with its memory management (related to autorelease pools) which breaks things when CEF is used as the slave (it is okay when CEF was the host - which is one of the biggest use cases of that project - e.g. Spotify and Steam use it for their Desktop UIs on all platforms).

Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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