On 2017-07-30 01:04, Monte Goulding via use-livecode wrote:
I’m actually not sure I see the connection between the ide submodule
and the 8.1.6-rc-2.

Heh - the connection is indirect, however it is definitely there!

**The goal:

We want to do A/B testing on LiveCode's 'first run' experience. This experience has to go from finding the site, all the way through to downloading, installing, activating and actually using the product to ensure the data that we get is of the highest, and most useful quality. The experience any new user (who is being used as a guinea pig) has to be indistinguishable from all other new user's except for the specific test flow they have been allocated to.

**The problem:

Iteration on develop branch is too slow and we can't guarantee with a high degree of confidence that any one DP would be in any way suitable for a brand new user to use. (We still reserve the right to make absolutely blooping mistakes in develop DPs - obviously we try not to, but we need to be able to test out invasive changes somewhere, and that is where we currently can!).

We have a well-defined and tightly controlled process for our maintenance branch. It is really important that this is kept as it is, and it is definitely *not* the place to do any sort of testing of any features whatsoever.

For A/B testing to work, tests need to be able to be rolled out quickly, iterated quickly, and pulled quickly if they are unsuccessful, or indeed, ill-posed.

**The primary observation:

A/B testing is centered around the outermost, user-visible parts of any release. Specifically, the IDE and supporting materials. Any engine work that might be required will either be new (internal) additions to support user-visible work or bug fixes (almost always the latter).

**The proposed solution:

All A/B tests are built *upon* but not *into* the maintenance builds.

If a specific test *requires* a bug fix, it will be placed in first RC of the next maintenance build. If this means a specific test has to be deferred a short while it can be deployed then that is what must happen. (We have plenty of tests we could run, after all - it is not like we are going to run out anytime soon).

If a specific test *requires* an internal engine addition to achieve, then suitable analysis will be done to make sure it can and does have zero impact on the potential stability of a maintenance build. Basically, these things are constrained to internal features which are entirely 'bolted' on to the existing engine and have no interoperation with the existing code and ideally such things would be a widget/library or a similar extrinsic addition.

A test will be created by making a fork of the target maintenance release branch in the IDE repository. All work for the specific test happens on this branch. All active test branches are kept up to date, by merging progress of the underlying maintenance branch/release branch (e.g. develop-8.1 or release-8.1.7) into them.

Tests are not built into the maintenance releases - the entire IDE bundle for that test will be uploaded as a separate archive.

When a new user who is being put through a test generates a license, the license will be marked with the name of the test.

When the user activates and launches the IDE for the first time, the appropriate test (IDE) archive will be downloaded and *that* version of the IDE will be launched, rather than the one built into the release.

If a test is successful, it will be merged into the next *suitable* version.

For small entirely first-run related things this might well be a maintenance release (e.g. new first run tutorials, new materials, new default preferences for first-run users).

For larger things (such as autocomplete or handler lists) we will use a bump in *middle* version number of semver, and use a DP release to make sure we got it absolutely right.

Importantly the latter has no impact on what new users see. We can merge all successful tests into all future tests so we our test profiles build on what we have done before. i.e. New users will see the combined set of successful tests; whilst existing users will be able to help us finesse them and ensure that they are as good as they can be before appearing in a minor version update; rather than a maintenance update.

If a test is unsuccessful, the test just gets deleted, the code for it is never merged (but of course, we'll keep the code - it might be something we might want to test again in the future).

**Why it works:

The issue which occurred with 8.1.6-rc-2 was due to the fact we were iterating on the actual releases which existing users rely on. This approach means that existing users will not see, nor even have the code in their system for any of the tests which we run. We can keep the strict process for maintenance releases we have always had, whilst still using them to iterate rapidly in the first-run A/B testing side.

**What is the connection to the IDE submodule?

If the IDE were rolled into the engine repository, the above would not work. We would not be able to easily guarantee that an A/B test *was* actually based on a line-for-line identical version of the engine as the maintenance release. It *physically* forces us to observe the boundaries laid out above - which means that the risk of error is diminished to close to zero - everything can be tested where it should be, in the proper process.

Of course, it would work *better* if we had our repo structure the right way round - the IDE should really have the engine as a submodule. However, nothing is perfect, and the current situation can be made to work perfectly well, even if it is not as pure as it could be.

**How can all our existing users help with our user testing?

Well, the above approach has one further *really* useful aspect. For any licenses which are not marked with a test funnel (or indeed are marked with a dead test funnel) we can show a drop-down list in preferences for all currently available tests.

Choosing one would reboot the IDE into that test's IDE. The result? Any of you can play around with the things we are testing and give us feedback on them without it affecting your workflow or use of the IDE at all.

**When will this happen?

Well, soon, hopefully, We are already looking to do a 8.2.0-dp-1 with the autocomplete features as we don't really have time to get this new process up and running for our next new user testing session - and neither Ali nor I are in any way comfortable with doing it 8.1.6 style.

We *think* we have time to do an 8.2.0-dp-1 and *hopefully* an 8.2.0-rc-1 in that timescale if you all don't mind helping us ensure the feature is sound (Monte has done a great job on it so far - so hopefully the fact it is autocomplete will be enough of an incentive to try out these builds and rapidly help us get it to RC state).

So, yes - Mark and Dan you were right - I cannot say that you weren't. Our previous approach was the wrong thing to do, and we only did it that way because we couldn't see how to do it in another way. Well, I think we have now, as the above explains.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

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