Yes, all sorts of things are possible, and perhaps we should all be using Qubes OS.

Here I was most interested in learning the specifics Bob reported with the link.

 Richard Gaskin

Matthias Rebbe wrote:

Am 05.09.2017 um 20:03 schrieb Richard Gaskin via use-livecode <use-livecode at <mailto:use-livecode at>>:

The link is direct to a PDF (a format which is not entirely without its risks I 
suppose) but isn't embedded within a page that has JavaScript. Indeed, it's not 
an an HTML page at all.

Even if the link seems to direct to a file, this could not be the case. The 
following link for example directs also to a pdf <>

but the server redirects that link to a .lc file which outputs some text and 
runs a javascript (just an popup box).

So you never can be sure. ;)

So does the PDF itself contain ransomware, and if so which variant?  And how 
quickly after clicking the link did the encrypting begin?  I opened that PDF in 
Chrome an hour ago.  I have multiple backups, but it would be helpful to know 
if I need to budget time today to prepare for recovery.

If not, what link are you referring to?

@Richmond: why do you suppose the publisher doesn't have a domain name?

Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Systems

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