Replying to your original post/surveyr. Not exactly sure what you are looking 
for… and this is just story telling that may not be directly relevant but 
perhaps helpful to lurkers

so here goes

at Himalayan 

We use RevIgniter for everything on our site except the blog… 

public_html/blog # contains wordpress, as we did not see a reason to reinvent 
that wheel. Matching the theme on WordPress to the theme in Revigniter is as 
"easy as pie" and I can even mix in some LC results into the WP Blog. Simon in 
South Africa helps us there.. a WP wizard and also familiar with LC

We use XOOPS for the Hinduism today web site.  That was the first CMS we used 
even before RevIgniter. Certainly a mix of PHP and html. It was a good decision 
then (around 2000 or so?) XOOPs has been around a long time. And it has a very 
high value in terms of ease of use, strong community and we have, for support, 
one of the top XOOPS community leaders actually working for us on the site, 
moving up now to  php 7.2 and the latest XOOPS version on cloned instance… 
should go live very soon. We have desktop client built in LC that pushes 
content to XOOPS.  the magazine is a "no brainer" many issues, organized By 
year, quarter, month, articles, archives… a few ancillary info pages… no social 
other than article comments by registered users, so the customization 
requirements are very low. The new mobile version will be much much bigger in 
terms of users and that driven by HTML 5 from BlueToad.

For our "" (in house for registered members/families) site we 
use what used to be OC Portal.. now Composer, which I switched to , after a 1.5 
year long debacle here with Drupal that finally killed the site we were trying 
to build/run. I switched to OC Portal because, a) the inhouse man running the 
site was gaining enough html skills… and b)  OC portal already came with 
everything he wanted… and c) the UK team behind it was stellar and avoided the 
"3rd party module hell" that we landed in and drown the project in before with 

FWIW Drupal is not free!  horror story, no in-house expertise, smart but 
"secretary" level user, had to hire drupal support, 3rd party module 
dependencies, developers disappear, core engine transitions to new versions, 
modules incompatible. Drupal support company bids astronomical $'s to get a 
module working the latest version of Drupal…before you know it your annual 
maintenance $ fee start climbing into numbers we can't possibly sustain. we 
finally had to exit Drupal.

I highly recommend Composer if you do want a CMS that uses PHP, where you need 
a complete suite to support a social environment. And Chris's support model is 
the most reasonably priced tier of any software company we ever dealt with. And 
because all the code is under one roof, he can pretty much get anything you 
need done.

Customizations (as has been noted) are where you hit the wall. With OC 
Portal/Composer, it already has such robust tools for social that it would be 
insane to rebuild all those from ground zero. But theming it is challenging… 
but more about design expertise really, than the CMS tool box itself. Still as 
noted by someone else here.. you hit walls on customization…, the level of customization we wanted, and the fact that 
we don't do social at all there… we went with LC/RevIgniter, there are no walls 
there maybe little mountains to climb where it might be easier with new tools… 
but there is nothing you cannot do. But still I'm not seeing "time to 
completion" improved by new tools sets over what we have and can do for 
implementation of any vision, using LC/MySql

Presumably RevIgniter qualifies for your "mx and match" html + LC

    How many of you using LC Server rely on its PHP-like model that 
    encourages mixing HTML with LC code?
    Or maybe the better question might be:
    How many of you have server systems that already separate HTML from 
    server code like most non-PHP solutions do, or could affordably 
    transition to that model if it could simplify your development workflow 

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