I've been a little under the weather so I can't test. I always rename/move the 
most recent version of Xcode to another folder and download the most recent one 
to the application folder and open it at least once. If you need an older 
version then temporarily rename and move a more recent version to another 
folder then download the older version and open it once in the applications 
folder using the name Then rename/move the older version and move 
the most recent back to applications folder and name it

This does not fix the building problem with the hardcoded build path and the 
shared prefs in a LC version series. As I said the only way out of this 
rigmarole is:

1) Have unique prefs for each LC version. These unique prefs might only include 
the mobile prefs and let the other prefs be shared in a series

2) A way of indicating the Xcode version to use the build tools from.

Things just move too quick not to do these 2 fixes. We have 2 or 3 active LC 
branches being released along with OSX/iOS/Xcode versions out the ying-yang not 
to do these 2 fixes. Have either of these 2 been added to the QCC DB? If this 
could all be done in LCS I would work on it. I can't see a downside. This would 
encourage me to do more testing with DPs and RCs. I can't remember a contiguous 
30 day period in the last 18 months that my iOS prefs were stable.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [] On Behalf Of 
Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2017 10:51 PM
To: How to use LiveCode
Cc: Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
Subject: Re: Versions of LC and Xcode

Hmmm I seem to have gotten myself into the same fix as Ben.

" Now that I have updated to LC 9.0 DP-10 and LC
8.1.8 stable, nothing can build (except 8.1.6 stable - which unfortunately 
doesn't like the widgets in my stack!)."

I'm on High Sierra 10.13.6, Xcode 9.1 and LC is telling me I don't have the 
required SDK

@Ralph: I should start saving the old XCodes as you describe.

so what now? Can we build for iOS on 9 dp 10 and if so, how?

I’ll go and re-download the previous Xcode 9 from the developer portal… see it 
that helps.




On 12/6/17, 11:36 AM, "use-livecode on behalf of Ralph DiMola via use-livecode" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    #1 below==>The shared prefs is a problem. I see the same thing. Different 
prefs for each version would solve this. When a new version is started for the 
first time the prefs from the last version in the series(if any) should be 
copied to the new version prefs file. But the rub is... if you change some 
other prefs and go to another version the you lose the change.
    #2 below==>True... I always keep the Xcode version to build from in the 
applications folder and name it I put the other versions into 
another folder. When I upgrade Xcode I move the most recent version into my 
"OtherXcodeVersions" folder and rename it with the version number. I then 
download and install the new version into the applications folder. Of course I 
have to go into the LC prefs and fix the Xcode versions. The hardwired path to 
/Applications/ should come from the prefs. Radio buttons in the Xcode 
prefs to indicate==> "Build using tools in this version would solve this.
    #3 below==> I agree the docs need to be updated matrix whenever a new 
Xcode/Mac/LC version is released. Even if LC does not support a particular 
combination it should be documented.
    Ralph DiMola
    IT Director
    Evergreen Information Services
    -----Original Message-----
    From: use-livecode [] On Behalf 
Of Ben Rubinstein via use-livecode
    Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 4:16 PM
    To: Use LiveCode
    Cc: Ben Rubinstein
    Subject: Versions of LC and Xcode
    This continues to be a major source of friction.
    Once again all my versions of LiveCode seem to have been reset so that they 
can't find a version of Xcode they like. (At any time I am probably switching 
between (or have simultaneously open) four version of LC: LC 6.7.11; the latest 
stable version of 8; the latest 8 RC or sometimes DP; the latest DP of 9. 
Admittedly I'm not building iOS apps from 6.7.11.)
    I think that there are two main problems:
    1) Because preferences are shared between versions of LiveCode. I believe 
it is the case than when switching between versions of LiveCode, if the mobile 
support preferences are opened in a version of LC which doesn't play nice with 
the selected version of Xcode, that path is deleted; so that next time the 
version of LC which was previously happy is opened, the path to Xcode is gone. 
    The behaviour may be a little more subtle than this, but I believe 
something along these lines is correct.
    2) Something somewhere along the line of building apps seems to have a 
hardwired path to /Applications/; so that while I may be able to 
maintain a set of different Xcodes in separate folders or separately named, 
LiveCode won't entirely work this way.
    So currently I have XCode 8.3.3 as the 'canonical' version, probably 
because I was using LiveCode 9.0 DP-9. Now that I have updated to LC 9.0 DP-10 
and LC
    8.1.8 stable, nothing can build (except 8.1.6 stable - which unfortunately 
doesn't like the widgets in my stack!).
    3) A third problem: I now want to start using LC 8.1.8, the latest stable 
version; what version of Xcode does it use on Mas OS 10.12? According to :
    > LiveCode 8.1.8 RC-2 – Xcode 7.2 -Mac OS 10.10 – iOS 9.2 LiveCode 8.1.8 
    > RC-2 – Xcode 8.2 -Mac OS 10.11 – iOS 10.2 LiveCode 8.1.8 RC-2 – Xcode 
    > 9.1 -Mac OS 10.12.6+ – iOS 11.1
    > LiveCode 8.2.0 DP-1 – Xcode 7.2 -Mac OS 10.10 – iOS 9.2 LiveCode 8.2.0 
    > DP-1 – Xcode 8.2 -Mac OS 10.11 – iOS 10.2 LiveCode 8.2.0 DP-1 – Xcode 
    > 8.3 -Mac OS 10.12 – iOS 10.3
    Some things that would make this better:
    1) When the mobile support preferences were opened, if there is a path to a 
version of Xcode which this version of LC can't use, it would be better if it 
were displayed - but in grey or red or similar to show it's not usable - rather 
than being deleted, this would be better.
    2) Ensure that iOS standalones can be built if there is a path to a valid 
version of Xcode, regardless of that path.
    3) Change the list on
    to a table, with LiveCode versions on one axis, MacOS versions on the 
other, and Xcode/iOS versions in each cell.
    3b) Update the above to include the current stable 8.1.8!
    I'm off for a stiff drink...
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