Mike Kerner wrote:

> I'm not sure how much work it's going to be to rewrite anything,
> though (which is why I'm curious to hear what others think before
> I decide to move something big and get stuck).

Levure appears to offer a very good framework. The LC IDE offers another set of useful ideas. revIgniter offers a good framework for still other projects, and (despite his letting the page go 404) Andre's Sparkle offers a good framework too. And there are others ways of working, almost as many as we have developers using LiveCode.

The JavaScript world has 23,477 frameworks, and the PHP world offers a choice from among 48,392 frameworks. :)

It's code. Many ways to skin all manner of animals. Or to put skin back on. Or trade skin with other creature, or replace their innards. In a universe of pixels all things are possible.

Choose the tooling that fits well with what you're working on.

Or choose parts of things that work for you, and parts of others.

Or write something entirely new to scratch your itch.

We hope that LC's growth will mirror the more widely-used languages, in which many frameworks and components spring up, some interoperable, some discrete, most useful, a few just for fun.

If there's anything I've learned from the Linux world, it's that users benefit from the inevitable diversity that naturally evolves in all healthy growing ecosystems.

One of the many things I admire about Trevor is how he actively encourages people to use the parts of his work that make the most sense for the task at hand, blending with other things as the work makes most beneficial.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems

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