I have a heck a time with our new app on android

One stack works fine.

But we going one stack to another, (not in iOS) is a problem.

Seems to be subtle issues with one the follow
(although on the surface they seem to be same)

1) it is better to

set the acceleratedRendering of this stack to false

-- on closeCard
-- on closeStack
-- on library stack, used to close one stack and one open another

Go window did not work, as it never gets the handler that set stack to 

so it back to

go cardOrStackObject # e.g go "gems" (or this string) go card 3 of "gems"
wait 100 milliseconds with messages
close stack oStackName
wait 100 milliseconds with messages

it "wait" is android issue

2) The issue is the same with mobile controls.
When is a safe delete them?

-- on closeCard
-- on closeStack
-- on library stack, used to close one stack and one open another


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