Does TSNet even work with local files? For local files use the read/write commands or "get/put url".

With a commercial license you shouldn't need to deal with the lower level functions for internet communication. The basic put, post, and get commands should do it.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software |
On July 1, 2018 10:21:38 AM Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami via use-livecode <> wrote:

I really need to get my head around TSNet, so began experiments.

This is the documentation for tsNetGetFile

" local tHeaders, tResult

put tsNetGetFile("1", "/path/to/downloaded/file.dat", \
"";, tHeaders, \
"transferComplete") into tResult

on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
local tData, tHeaders
if pCurlCode is not 0 then
        answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
a       nswer "File has been downloaded"
end if
tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete

# but my first attempt to "get it" ... ran into this error.

Are there any good lessons on all TSNet functions?
I am not looking forward to wading into this blind as a bat.

# variable watcher

tResult      --        tsneterr: ID already in use

what is strange is this, the IDE gives the error even before tracing the mouseup.

So I did not even get off home plate.

local tHeaders, tResult

on mouseup
# put a break here... the IDE show an error *before* stepping into the next statement
# I can't even close the connection with:
  tsNetCloseConn "1"
  put empty into tResult
  put fld aURL into pURL
  put empty into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
  put empty  into fld "tHTMLfield"
  set the itemDel to "/"
  put item -1 of pURL into tFileName
  put ("~/Desktop/"&tFileName) into tLocalFile
  put tsNetGetFile("1",tLocalFile,pURL,tHeaders,"transferComplete") into tResult

  --  put libURLLastHTTPHeaders() into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
end mouseup

on transferComplete pID, pResult, pBytes, pCurlCode
  if pCurlCode is not 0 then
     answer tsNetRetrError(pID)
     answer "File has been downloaded"
     put tHeaders into fld "fldHTTPHeader"
  end if
  tsNetCloseConn pID
end transferComplete


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