just wondering whats the last version in which it didn't do this?

On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 1:52 PM Stephen MacLean via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Here is one from when the app hit the half way point in it’s processing
> run:
> Process:         LiveCode-Business [799]
> Path:            /Applications/LiveCode Business 9.0.1 (rc
> 2).app/Contents/MacOS/LiveCode-Business
> Load Address:    0x10d387000
> Identifier:      com.runrev.livecode
> Version: [RC 2] ( [RC 2])
> Code Type:       X86-64
> Parent Process:  ??? [1]
> Date/Time:       2018-08-26 01:24:06.956 -0400
> Launch Time:     2018-08-25 22:42:23.095 -0400
> OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G1510)
> Report Version:  7
> Analysis Tool:   /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/heap
> Analysis Tool Version:  Xcode 9.2 (9C40b)
> ----
> Process 799: 6 zones
> Zone DefaultMallocZone_0x10ee3a000: Overall size: 149641216KB; 520214585
> nodes malloced for 28100061KB (18% of capacity); largest unused:
> [0x6003c9060040-1664KB]
> Zone DefaultPurgeableMallocZone_0x11264e000: Overall size: 49836KB; 75
> nodes malloced for 49828KB (99% of capacity); largest unused:
> [0x11daad000-11352KB]
> Zone GFXMallocZone_0x10e5d5000: Overall size: 10240KB; 46 nodes malloced
> for 8KB (0% of capacity); largest unused: [0x7fd853001400-8187KB]
> Zone MallocHelperZone_0x10e4f0000: Overall size: 2976716KB; 508527 nodes
> malloced for 1998382KB (67% of capacity); largest unused:
> [0x119aa3000-12876KB]
> Zone QuartzCore_0x111cac000: Overall size: 20480KB; 4 nodes malloced for
> 5KB (0% of capacity); largest unused: [0x7fd851800000-8192KB]
> Zone x-alloc_0x7fd84b028000: Overall size: 20KB; 5 nodes malloced for 1KB
> (5% of capacity); largest unused: [0x111cde000-8KB]
> All zones: 520723242 nodes malloced - 30148282KB
> I’d love to send you that one from near the end… LC was taking up almost
> 59GB of memory, memory pressure was insane, over 30 GB of compressed
> memory, 15GB swap file, finder having me force quit the few apps I had
> open. Tried to run heap, but after 3 hours it caused a kernel panic and the
> computer rebooted.
> I can send you the full file if needed. Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Steve MacLean
> > On Aug 13, 2018, at 2:07 PM, Mark Waddingham via use-livecode <
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> >
> > On 2018-08-13 20:01, Stephen MacLean via use-livecode wrote:
> >> Hi Mark,
> >> Yes, doing quite a bit, which LC handles just fine:) Except for these
> >> with big queries;) I do want to mention that I call plenty of
> >> functions, so it’s not a real tight loop, just a loop with a lot going
> >> on.
> >> Ok, will do the next time I run one of these… These big batches take
> >> about 5 hours to run.
> >
> > From what you said in your other message this could well be a
> memory-leak...
> >
> > However, the other potential cause is what's called
> 'heap-fragmentation'. Whilst memory is being freed correctly, sometimes
> certain use patterns can cause the C heap to consist of 'mostly free
> space', but having no contiguous block large enough to allocate some of the
> blocks of memory you are using - so the heap gets extended. When you do
> free a 'big block' it gets used up by lots of small blocks.
> >
> > Basically, the heap becomes like a block of swiss-cheese - you can fit
> small things in the holes, but nothing big.
> >
> > The 'heap' report will help determine what's going on there (you don't
> need to run it until you get to the exhaustion point - just for a while
> until you see the gradually continual rise).
> >
> > By looking at the report it is possible to tell the actual % of memory
> in use in the heap overall.
> >
> > Is there any way to split up the processing of a single batch into
> pieces, each run in its own process (sequentially?) - that approach
> actually gives you two things - (1) a fix to the exhaustion problem you are
> having and (2) the ability to recover most of the batch if one piece fails.
> >
> > Warmest Regards,
> >
> > Mark.
> >
> > --
> > Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
> > LiveCode: Everyone can create apps
> >
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