

if the environment = "mobile" then
   if mobileSensorAvailable("location") then
      mobileStartTrackingSensor "Location", false
   end if
end if

----------- this is a hacked up version of what I use. It should be close.
It compiles but not tested. I have to see if this needs some tweaks using
the new Android permission model.

function GetGpsCords
   -- returns
   -- Got fix: An array with ["latitude"] and ["longitude"]
   -- Bad lock: empty
   -- Permission issues: empty
   -- Not yet "retry"
   local tGPS
   if not (the environment = "mobile") then
      put 45.338960434184 into tGPS["latitude"]
      put -74.6840746841539 into tGPS["longitude"]
      return tGPS
      put mobileSensorReading("location", true) into tGPS
      if tGPS["latitude"] is not empty and tGPS["longitude"] <> 0 then
         wait .25 seconds -- needed this in the past sometimes on first
location fix
         put mobileSensorReading("location", true) into tGPS
      end if
      if tGPS["latitude"] is not empty and tGPS["longitude"] <> 0 then
         return tGPS
         local tGPStext
         switch the platform
            case "iphone" -- see what the iOS permisstion status is
               put "Location Services" into tGPStext
               switch mobileLocationAuthorizationStatus()
                  case "authorizedWhenInUse"
                  case "authorizedAlways"
                     answer tGPStext && "can't determine your location." &
cr & \
                           "If your" && tGPStext && "was just enabled,
please try again in a few minutes." \                           with "OK"
titled "Proximity Search"

                     return empty
                  case "denied"
                  case "restricted"
                     answer "App is not authorized to access"&&tGPStext &"."
& cr & \
                           "In Settings, please select" && quote & "While
Using the App" &quote && "in" && quote&"Location Services" & quote
&& "in this app's settings" \
                           with "OK" titled "Proximity Search"
                     return empty
                  case "notDetermined"
                     if mobileSensorAvailable("location") then
                           mobileStartTrackingSensor "Location", false
                           return "Retry"
                     end if
                     return empty

                     answer tGPStext && "can't determine your location." &
cr & \
                           "If your" && tGPStext && "was just enabled,
please try again in a few minutes." \
                           with "OK" titled "Proximity Search"
                     return empty
               end switch
               put "GPS" into tGPStext
               answer tGPStext && "can't determine your location." & cr & \
                     "If your" && tGPStext && "was just enabled, please try
again in a few minutes." \
                     with "OK" titled "Proximity Search"
               return empty
         end switch
      end if
   end if
end GetGpsCords

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-boun...@lists.runrev.com] On Behalf
Of Mike for GDC via use-livecode
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 3:06 PM
To: use-livecode@lists.runrev.com
Cc: Mike for GDC
Subject: finding location on mobile device

I am trying to find my current lat/long on my android device.  I have played
around with multiple options including "mobileCurrentLocation" and others.
I have not been able to find an example of code that does it and works.
What I want to do is push a button, have the lat/long displayed so as I can
then "feed" it into a map widget for display.  Does anyone have an example
of code that does just that?  Thanks.  Mike

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