>on 1/9/02 3:52 AM, Martin Baxter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Although the current card responds correctly when I resize the stack, the
>> other cards don't know that anything has changed, and their objects still
>> retain the dimensions that relate to the previous stack size.
>> Is there a way to update the geometry of the other (or all) cards either
>> when the stack is resized, or when I next go to one of them ?

The "resizeStack" message is sent only to the current card, and then on
up the hierarchy. The other cards never receive the message. If you have
only a few cards, you could resize them all at the same time by locking
the screen and then using the "send" command to send a "resizeStack"
message to each. If you have more than just a few though, that may take
too long. In most cases I think you'd just want to send a "resizeStack"
message in a preOpenCard handler.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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