At 8:54 am -0500 17/1/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I am using the put URL ftp command to transfer files to a server.
>Can someone offer a suggestion of how to get the percent completed of an
>FTP in progress to show in a progress bar?
Hi. Tracking the urlStatus isn't "officially" supported for ftp 
uploads at present. (But coming soon.)

However, you might try something this (no guarantees.).

local lcCanCheck

on mouseUp
  put <whatever> unto tUrl
  put <whatever> into tUploadData
  put true into lcCanCheck
  send "ftpCheckStatus" && quote & tUrl & quote to me in 50 milliseconds
  put tUploaddata into url tUrl
  put false into lcCanCheck
end mouseUp

on ftpCheckStatus pUrl
  get urlStatus(pUrl)
  put it ##or whatever
  if lcCanCheck then
   send "ftpCheckStatus" && quote & pUrl & quote to me in 50 milliseconds
  end if
end ftpCheckStatus

It's important that the "send" command comes before the "put" 
command, as the put command will block until the upload completes.

Dave Cragg
(Runtime Revolution -- It's got the power.)
use-revolution mailing list

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