Thanks to advice from others on this list, I now have a 
cross-platform (Mac OS Classic, Mac OS X, Windows) solution to 
opening the default Acrobat viewer application such that it can stay 
open in the background and open successive Acrobat files by the use 
of the "launch sample.pdf with acrobatViewer" command.

The following is the stack script of my mini app that launches the 
default Acrobat viewer and then quits leaving the viewer running:

constant \
     cSamplePDF = "sample.pdf", \
     cXexternalsStack = "xExternals.rev", \
     cClassicExternalsStack = "ClassicExternals.rev"

on preOpenStack
   global gAcrobatViewer, gProgPath
   -- find current program folder:
   put the fileName of this stack into gProgPath
   set itemDelimiter to "/"
   delete last item of gProgPath
   put "/" after gProgPath

   if "Win" is in the platform then
     -- find default Win Acrobat viewer:
     put word 1 to -2 of \
         into gAcrobatViewer
     -- find default Mac Acrobat viewer:
     -- activate appropriate Externals:
     put the systemVersion into sysVers
     set itemDelimiter to "."
     if item 1 of sysVers >= 10 then
       start using stack (gProgPath & cXexternalsStack)
       start using stack (gProgPath & cClassicExternalsStack)
     end if
     -- get path of Mac Acrobat viewer:
     set itemDelimiter to gModuleListSep
     put gProgPath & cSamplePDF into samplePDF
     put ext_doctoapp(samplePDF) into gAcrobatViewer
   end if

   -- open default Acrobat viewer & quit:
   if the environment is not "development" then
     launch gAcrobatViewer
   end if
end preOpenStack

This uses the Externals that can be downloaded from the RunRev web site at:

The two stacks named in the "constants" section ("xExternals.rev" and 
"ClassicExternals.rev") are empty except that they have had the 
relevant version of the Mac Externals installed into them.  Note that 
you MUST be running Mac OS Classic when installing the Classic 
Externals and running Mac OS X when installing the X Externals.  If 
you attempt to open the wrong Externals for the current OS, Rev will 
crash out!

For Windows, the mini app simply interrogates the registry to get the 
details of the default Acrobat viewer app.  For the Mac, the above 
"starts using ..." the externals stack which is appropriate for the 
currently running version of Mac OS and then uses the 
"ext_docToApp()" function to get the name of the default Acrobat 
viewer.  For this to work you need to supply the name of an existing 
Acrobat file - "sample.pdf".

So, I have the following files in the same folder:

    AcrobatLauncher.exe     - Win standalone Acrobat Launcher (1.6Mb)

    AcrobatLauncherClassic  - Mac OS Classic standalone Acrobat Launcher (3.9Mb)

    AcrobatLauncherX        - Mac OS X standalone Acrobat Launcher (2.4Mb)

    ClassicExternals.rev    - Rev stack containing Mac OS Classic 
Externals (52Kb)

    xExternals.rev          - Rev stack containing Mac OS X Externals (52Kb)

    Sample.pdf              - tiny Acrobat file, content is irrelevant (72Kb)

My main app uses similar code to the above to determine the path of 
the default Acrobat viewer app for use with the "launch" command.

Note that using the "ext_appsOpen()" function in the Mac Externals, 
it's possible to check whether an Acrobat viewer app is already 
running prior to running AcrobatLauncher.  Unfortunately, I still 
don't know how to do the same thing for Windows as yet.

Thanks to everyone who's contributed to this, I hope the above is of 
help to anyone else trying to do the same thing (or something similar 
with "launching" of apps).


Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)870 052 7576
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