> It would be great if one of you knowledgeable rev people would create a stack
> of ready made buttons and ready made fields. Some of you remember that
> hypercard included these in their software. These sure would help beginning
> programers. They could be posted for download at Runrev. Anybody
> interested.

It should be mentioned that RR has more ready-to-use stuff than HC, because
RR has a whole series of field tools instead of one. That counts for the
button tools as well. Besides that, there is the library with some prefab

Then again, I miss some items like an example on how the progress bar works
(you rev people probably thought that because RR is so fast, nobody would
use a progress bar ;-).
Other things I like to see in the library are:
- images in text fields
- a standard menubar with all the commonly used items properly working
  (new, close, save, print, quit, undo, cut, copy, paste, find, help, about)
- a standard toolbar with those same items
- a good script that dims/disables the items in the toolbar/menubar that are
  not available
- read and write data to a properly formatted XML file that uses a DTD

These are things that kept me occupied quite a while. Most of them are
solved, some others (like dimming 'undo' when not available) not. I am
working on XML handling at the moment, because I think XML should be the way
all data should be stored.


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