Kevin, et al:

I've completed the first three 1.1.1 tutorials, and I'm much 
impressed by what I see.

When I started with 1.1, I skipped several tutorials because I didn't 
see that I would need the capabilities they provide in the short 
term.  I now think that was a mistake, and would advise everyone to 
complete every tutorial.  I'm sure it will help shorten your learning 
curve and increase your comprehension as it has for me.

I have two issues to report from my experience so far:

1. Often when trying to copy scripts from the tutorial to the script 
editor, option-drag to select the text causes the object containing 
the script to be deselected, which minimizes the script editor 
window.  This also happened when I  accidently pressed the command 
key instead of the option key.  Once I reselect the object, the 
script window opens & I can paste the text; but it's disconcerting 
when it first happens.

2. Animation Tutorial design flaw?
   A.  Create MyAnim as per Tutorial
   B.  Open Hello World
   C.  Click on the Reset Button
   D.  You will not see the text field again unless you change the 
preOpen handler to reposition the field differently.

Two questions:

A. Is 2 (above) an indication that an animation will not work 
properly if the object being moved is not located in the frame 1 
starting position when the animation begins?

B. How does one create an animation where the object changes size or 
shape instead of position?


Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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