Thanks Jeanne, I'm now over here too :-)

Yet another person join the group, I have been meaning to join this group
for a while

brief CV

name Michael Foy
I have been an alcoholic (whoops wrong group) Mac user since 1984, Loved
Hertz....'s HyperCard, agreed with Douglas Adams views of HyperCard, still
think it was the best card programming applications, then owned Supercard
(ah the colour, bliss, oh separate editor player, oh well) still a very nice
program) Ah Revolutions, er, bit confusing, still a very nice program, v
powerful, just a shame there is no documentation, (I know there is on-line,
but, nothing better than a bit of paper)

So long live the revolution and hopefully we have some revolution gurus

Is there an easy way to convert HyperCard stacks to revolution?

miock (I know I am a Michael, but there may be other michaels out there with
prior rights to this list, so if you don't mind...)

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