Dar Scott of [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote the following on 3/31/02 11:49 AM

> It is not the loop, it is addition.  Every Revolution number (a
> priori) has a potential error.  This accumulates.  (I say "a
> priori" because some numbers, can be represented exactly.)

It is not a bug. This is just the way MOD and decimal numbers which are
represented as binary numbers work.

It is not just a Revolution problem.

The error does not accumulate. Try summing a million .10. There is no

Run this handler.

on mouseUp
  set the numberFormat to \
  put ".100000000000000000,.100000000000000012,.100000000000000013" into inc
  repeat with j=1 to 3
    put item j of inc into incc
    put 0 into a
    repeat with i=1 to 10
      add incc to a
      put a&"" into a
      put "0."&i into ii
      put ii&"   "&a into line i+(j-1)*10 of fld 1
    end repeat
  end repeat
end mouseUp


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