At 1:04 am +0100 23/5/02, Peter Reid wrote:

>- Mac OS X (10.1.4) G4/733 running Rev 1.1.1
>- able to connect to server FM Pro using IE 5.1 with URL of 
>- tried following handler:
>   on GetWeb
>     put ""; into theURL
>     post "-db=Job.fp5&-lay=Table&-format=fmformat.html&-findAll" to URL theURL
>     put urlDecode(it)
>   end GetWeb
>All I get back in the message box is an HTML formatted error message 
>that says:
>   window.errObj = { code: 400, reason: 0, cause: "//FMPro HTTP/1.1" }
>   err400: "Bad Request\r\rThe server could not process your request 
>due to a syntax error."
>It seems to locate the response file OK, but not understand its content??

I think it's just the url -- you have an extra forward slash in 
there, and you perhaps need a question mark:

   put ""; into theURL

You might need to check which port the Web Companion is using. If 
it's not 80, you'll need to include it in the url.

You can also get xml formatted data from FM Pro with the Web 
Companion. There's a lot of information on this page:


Dave Cragg
use-revolution mailing list

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