> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2002 11:48:11 -0600
> Subject: Virtual PC
> From: Dar Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have just installed Virtual PC on my OS X system.  I hope to use
> this in my initial platform testing for Revolution projects.  I
> think Virtual PC has been mentioned on this list.
> Any warnings or advice?
> If I get a new PC for development before I get a new Mac, I might
> move all this to the PC.
> This will be primarily for Windows testing, but I might set up a
> linux.  I hope to find one in the intersection of those popular,
> those that work on Virtual PC and those that work with Revolution.
> Suggestions?
> Dar Scott


I just tested some x86 distributions (Suse 7.3 and 8.0, Mandrake 7.1) on
an IBook2 14" G3 600 - 384 Mo of Ram under Virtual PC 5.03. It ran but
so slowly (just alike a toy, realy unusable, even to drag an icon on the
kde desktop) that i drop the virtual linux machines directly to the
trash... Perhaps in using a biproc G4...

Best Regards, Pierre Sahores
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