> I tried to place an order today for the manuals and was informed that a
> $25.00 was to be charged for delivery and a sales tax ??? Of $13.82 was to
> be added. 
> This is for an address at Southampton  UK.
> I expected the total charge to be $79.00 as per your email.
> Can you please confirm this?
> Richard Collins

Sorry about the tax, the store should no longer be adding tax to your
orders. If it does, email me and I'll take it off before processing.

Regarding the postage... There is a typo (wouldn't you know) in the original
announcement. Should read "Excluding" postage round the world... :(

Sorry, but we do have to charge this. It's a substantial cost we cannot
absorb in the price of the manuals. We did consider fixing a price that
included postage, but this would have been unfair to those living closer, in
the EU and UK, who would have been subsidising postage to the US and further
flung regions. So there is an option to select the correct postage for your
area in the online store.

If anyone has any problems ordering, or any further questions about the
pricing, tax, shipping, etc, of manuals, can you address them to my mailbox?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] This list is getting a bit cluttered with stuff best
dealt with direct,



Heather Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 131 7184333 Fax: +44 (0)1639 830707
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