On Wednesday, July 10, 2002, at 08:20 , John Roos wrote:

> I've used HyperCard a lot in the past, and have recently started working
> with Revolution. In my HyperCard stacks, I've used a lot of 
> XCMDs/XCFNs, and
> I would like to keep using them.


This does not directly answer your question, and how you read it depends 
a bit on whether you are developing Rev solely for yourself on a Mac or 
have broader possibilities...

Reiterating a conversation on this list from early this year, if you are 
new to Rev then I really encourage you to try flying without the XCMDs. 
With a bit of digging among the new (HC-superset) features, you will be 
amazed at both the capability and speed of Rev. I speak from experience 
in that I quite deliberately chose not to rely on XCMDs when moving from 
HC to Rev, even though I had some 200 catalogued in my library and had 
written more than half of those myself. I have not regretted that bit of 
cold turkey but have learned faster in consequence.

You may have a particular need and the XCMDs you have mentioned may be 
just perfect so don't let me put you off. However, you did say you were 
relatively new to Rev and I have inferred from that that you have some 
ground to explore in the language. Try it without the old HC 
expectations and I am confident you will enjoy it a lot.


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