Hey All,

I've just released ButtonGadget as an Altuit application made in RunRev. I
also have a version developed solely for Windows RR users and would like
some feedback. The current beta version is free to all who register.

ButtonGadget automatically builds 1,2,3 or 4 state buttons (normal,
mouseOver, mouseDown, disabled) based upon predefined 'ButtonSet' templates.
Many templates are available online (more coming soon) and you can 'roll
your own.' Once buttons are rendered, they can automatically be transferred
to the stack you're working on.

Many of the ButtonSets are very sophisticated including multiple
transparency settings and the ability to adapt to any color background.
Buttons can also be exported as PNG and JPG as well.

One of the keen features, is the one-click access -- a user needs only click
once on a buttonset link on a webpage and it automatically downloads,
launches ButtonGadget.exe and loads itself. You'll need to install the
ButtonGadget.exe to see how this works.

Developers can use ButtonGadget to create complete OS independant
interfaces, so no worrying about how Linux/Mac/Windows is going to 'render'
your app. You can check it out at:



Chipp Walters
Altuit, Inc.

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