The Player object is a little finicky because it is Quicktime that is
managing it (for the most part), not Rev. I have found that if you use
"send" to allow the current handler to finish, you get better results.
You've done this yourself with a button and a mouseUp handler, but you could
do the same thing this way:

  send "ResetTime" to this card in 10 milliseconds
  -- gives time for the "doThis" handler to complete

  on ResetTime
    set the currentTime of player "player1" to the duration of player
  end ResetTime

> BTW - The lista who recommended setting the UI to Mac (away from
> Appearance Manager) if running in Jaguar was quite correct. Rev 1.1.1
> has stopped crashing as long as I set this properly immediately upon
> launch.

You won't have to do this with Rev 2.0, BTW, so I suggest you upgrade as
soon as it's available. :-)

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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