An update on my problem with using revGoURL with XP and an SBCGlobal DSL connection. It seems that the DSL software also installed an SBC browser. Somewhere in the process this added extra characters to an address sent with revGoURL and did not work. I am happy to say that changing the XP system settings back to Internet Explorer has fixed the problem. Thanks for all the useful suggestions. But now another problem. My DSL connection is through the USB port on phone line A. I can access the web and use RR to dial phone numbers through an internal modem on phone line B. However when I listen to LaunchCast I cannot access the modem port with the usual 'open file "com3:" for write' command. LaunchCast is set to download music through the DSL connection, but it appears to commandeer the modem port as well. The port becomes available as soon as I shut down LaunchCast. Is there any other way regain access to it through RR? Thanks for the reminder to post my messages in Plain Text. Currently I have the SBC Yahoo Mail system that comes with the DSL and it does not appear to offer a Plain option. It is probably possible to change to OutLook which would be better, but I have not had time to do that yet. And maybe I can build something better within RR using the improvements coming later this month. As I write I see that there is a "Plain" button lurking up the top of this page. I will use it and see if it removes the formatting. Appologies if it does not. Sorry If I do not have all the technical terminology correct - but I think you can get the idea. Happy programming y'all - Gary

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