Do you really see such an importance for shockwave like for flash?
Imho the filesize is to big. Flash is a killer because of its small size...
Sometimes I think MM will let it die slowly together with Director and blow Flash then up with a Pro version up to a new Director...
Not really. Directory is mainly useful for multimedia CDs using pixel pictures. Because of the popularity of the internet, the glory days of the multimedia CD are over. But there is still use for Directory, especially when you think about DVD menus. (I don't know if Directory can do that, but it could be(come) a handy tool for it). Shockwave is a way to bring these multimedia projects to the internet. However, because file sizes are much more important on the internet than on CD, Shockwave is never really efficient.
You can already author for DVDs using Director. Shockwave/Director also supports a truckload of features (= interactivity) that Flash doesn't, which don't necessarily involve manipulating bitmap images. As always, it's horses for courses.


Dr Terry Judd
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
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