Will these scripts will work, they will be quite slow as they drag from point to point. A faster way is to create a single polygon object and set it's points to your coordinates.

on mouseUp
-- this creates a graphic to show the chart.
if there is not a grc "Chart" then
create grc "Chart"
choose browse tool
end if
set the style of grc "Chart" to "polygon"

-- this creates a blue cross-shaped marker for the points.
set the markerPoints of grc "Chart" to "0,2" & cr & "4,2" & cr & "" & cr & "2,0" & cr & "2,4"
set the hiliteColor of grc "Chart" to "blue"

-- the points of the graphic are stored in this list
put empty into thePoints

-- the main loop just sets the points rather than drawing as it goes
repeat with i = 0 to 360
-- calculate the x & y coordinates of each point here
put xPoint & comma & yPoint & cr after thePoints
end repeat

-- implement the drawing in a single step
set the points of grc "Chart" to thePoints
end mouseUp


On Monday, November 18, 2002, at 08:11 am, Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

On Sun, 17 Nov 2002,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote

Please what are the instructions for dysplaying graph functions in a stack
How can i do to plot points and line on a stack by programming

Thanks for help


here is an example to draw functions from a stack used to introduce

- The first sript sets the values for the coordinates (and is then
called from the first mouseup-handler):

on Koordinaten
choose line tool
drag from (10 , 125) to (370, 125)
drag from (10 , 0) to (10 , 250)
set the width of the templateField to 25
set the height of the templateField to 25
set the textAlign of the templateField to "center"
set the opaque of the templateField to false
set the showBorder of the templateField to false
end Koordinaten

- the x- and y-axis is drawn:

on mouseUp
call Koordinaten of this stack
create field "y-1"
set the loc of field "y-1" to (10 , 25)
put "1" into field "y-1"
create field "x-180"
set the loc of field "x-180" to (190 , 125)
put "180" into field "x-180"
choose browser tool
set the layer of image 1 to 1
end mouseUp

- a sinus curve is drawn:

on mouseUp
choose line tool
drag from (10 , 125) to (370, 125)
choose curve tool
repeat with i = 0 to 360
put ( -sin(i * pi / 180)) into yeins
put ( -sin((i + 1) * pi / 180)) into yzwei
drag from (i + 10 , 125 + 100 * yeins) to ((i + 10 + 1), 125 + 100 *
end repeat
choose browser tool
set the layer of image 1 to 1
end mouseUp

Parts of these scripts could be simplified.

Hope this information is helpful.


Wilhelm Sanke

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