Title: Re: PopUp Menus

You wrote :
The trick with hierarchical menus is that pWhichItem
is a composition of the item, sub-item and
sub-sub-item you picked, sepoarated by a "|".
So in the above menu structure, if the user selects
item "A23", the engine sends a menuPick to your button
with as parameter "A|A2|A23"

But how is it possible to select the item "A2" ? (this was possible with the XFCN "FullHPop" (Rinaldi) on Hypercard).
That is, I want to know if it is possible to track a menuitem which is a menutiem of a menu and which is also a menu with menuitems.



I repeat that what you ask is not possible !!!!
I come from Hypercard and used the same XFCN
In Rev, it is not possible...!!!
you cannot know which submenuItem has been selected
Try :
on mouseUp
   answer the selectedtext of me
end mouseUp

you will see that the answer is wrong in the submenu's

The reason is that Apple Guidelines say it's not good to make subMenu's in a popUp menu...
you have to create differents popUp menu's btns




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